Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sunny days

The last couple of weeks have had their fair share of sunny days, which Macadam and I savor (okay maybe just me) as we take at least one walk a day when it's nice. The other day I put him in the Bjorn so he could face out. He's much too big for it but it was so fun to watch him react to the world. My favorite shot is his profile, there's just something about it. I can't get enough!

This, however, is his usual stance while in the carrier - out like a light.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Babies who brunch

This past Saturday we had our childbirth class reunion brunch. It was so much fun to see the other babies and their parents, particularly after witnessing a few months of their pregnancies. My favorite shot is with the babies lined up on the couch. By the time all the babies were on the couch, Macadam had started to show the fatigue of sitting up. From the video, you can also see what mayhem it was behind the scenes and mortifying my singing voice can be:).

On Sunday, Macadam had a much more mellow brunch with his friend Lila.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

Mmmmm, mmmm good

After seeing that Macadam pantomimes our mouths while watching us eat, along with other indicators, we decided to slowly introduce solids into his diet every couple of days. So far, it's just rice cereal and after finally understanding what was on the spoon, Macadam is all about it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

First they come north, then they come west

After a week of visitors from the south in Oregon, we had the pleasure of visiting with our friends Amie and Shane who moved to Pullman last year. It was so fun to catch up and even better to have them meet Macadam. They've long loved Buster but I think he's having to once again play second fiddle to his new housemate.

Macadam is also definitely becoming more aware of the camera, as you can see in a few of these pictures.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Stomping his feet

Macadam seems to like slamming his feet while he's lying down or reclining in his chair. If he's in his crib you can hear a distinct thump...thump...thump before he is officially awake or officially asleep. He's also a lot more talkative these days. The following video holds no commentary (those will most certainly follow) but hopefully you can get a sense of what he's up to these days.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Two heads are better than one

During a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Fox, Macadam and his grandpa put their heads together for a strategy session. I think they were discussing cowboys...

While it was a belated birthday lunch for his momma, Macadam made sure he entertained his grandparents to ensure it was more than enough to make up for the long drive (thank you!).

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Playing virtual dress up

A little slideshow of Rob and Macadam's webcam escapades:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A killer weekend

Last weekend was a true treat. Rob did his magic and gathered many of our dear friends, both near and far to celebrate my entrance into the next decade. Man, it looks like I can't come to terms with my age, but I can and I can't imagine being anywhere else in life.

With celebrations comes wonderful times with friends. Macadam is always fond of the ladies and he also got to try out a Bumbo seat, graciously loaned to him by Cole B. He's getting into it and his first round was pretty enjoyable as Cory made him laugh.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tummy time and hairlines

As he's become stronger, Macadam's tolerance for tummy time is much greater. He'll actually even smile while he's propped up on his arms and he's rolled over, although he's still trying to figure out how that worked.

He's also losing his hair in the way only babies can, any which way but gracefully:). He's got a sweet skull mullet, or rather, a skullet going these days. He looks like a little blond baldy from the front and a 49 year-old balding man from the back.

Paternal acrobatics

Macadam and his dad had a fun evening of working on Mr. Mac's balance and flying skills. He loves it when you put him up over your head, but watch out because you never what will greet you - drool and old milk can easily come and say hello.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Macadam is really getting into his toys, as well as household objects, faces and basically anything he can grab a hold of with his vice-like fingers. He recently has become quite smitten with this mouse and it's really cute to watch him, even though he doesn't handle it in an entirely G rated fashion (the hand was trying to intervene not place).

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Heads or tails

When it comes to his rubber ducky, Macadam manages to get both.

And no, we didn't stage these, we were just lucky enough to capture our little man moving from his usual duck kissing to second base.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Four months old

Macadam ran up his age tally to four months old yesterday. While we won't know his growth tallies until next week at his doctor's appointment, it's rather obvious that he is growing and changing each week. It's been in the last couple of weeks that he has really kind of woken up as he's much more aware of his surroundings (which is good and bad for mom and dad), his toys have a whole new meaning (and as you see below, hooded sweatshirts are no longer safe with the knowledge that his hands can grab things) and his personality continues to come up to the surface.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Holiday Tour 2008

For the last six years we've driven to Oregon for the holidays. Each year it takes its toll, without weather or infant issues. As you can imagine, this year was one for the record books and has strengthened our resolve that next year (pending a move to Portland), we will not drive but have people come to us. Family, take note:).

All travel hell aside, we did love each moment we had to see family and friends. We were bummed that the weather held us back from our original plans and look forward to making up Christmas with some key family members soon!

Since there is truly no way to adequately thank and recognize all of our lovely hosts, nor give proper photo tributes, we've compiled slideshows of pictures for each part of our trip. However, to each of our hosts - thank you, thank you, thank you! Some were planned and some were unexpected but all were wonderful.

Part One - The Gordons, Bass/Norris, Boyers and Badgers

Part Two - Badgers and Fox Family

Part Three - Grandma Faw, Uncle Justin and Kullberg Christmas

Christmas meant something more this year, that's definite. Rob and I had so much fun starting new traditions for Macadam and can't wait for next year when he's more active and interested in the whole enchilada. Here's to a new year and many more fun times with family and friends.

Thursday, January 1, 2009