Thursday, May 20, 2010

Orange you glad to see a post

The title of this post makes me squirm but can't help it. You'll understand soon enough. Catch up on posts, photos and much more continues. Macadam continues to charm, surprise and entertain us. Leaps and bounds. The change these days is that significant it can seem. Hope to update with more of his favorite activities and recent antics. Until then, here's a slideshow from a recent afternoon with a sunlit window, some toys and oranges. I heart these photos of him...


Ryan & Olivia said...

oh keli!
what a sweet treat! he is such a beautiful boy (no longer a baby!). this makes me miss you guys so much! hugs, olivia

Unknown said...

Hey, it's Andy here! You're blog is so cute I'm going to have to come to Seattle to see Macadam again. Next week in fact. Tell Rob to check his e-mail. Would be great to meet up