Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nine months

Where to begin? There's a lot going on with Macadam these days. While his growth in regard to weight and height have leveled off in the last couple of months, he's a ball of change and fun. He's moved from a slow commando crawl to a stomach scoot that has a pretty high rpm rate. You can just see the furniture begin to topple, Buster's tail being pulled, random non-clean objects entering the mouth, and many other fun activities that come with a newly mobile, and determined, baby.

Our doctor's appointment last week went well. Mac is weighing in at 18 lbs 11 oz and is 29 inches long. He remains high in the height charts and lower in the weight. As he's getting older his preferences, albeit he can't tell you exactly what those are yet, are becoming more and more vocal. We're still working on a way to balance letting him test his voice and not lose our ear drums over the high pitched squeals. Thankfully, he has plenty of cute noises in his arsenal. Speaking of noises, he's been saying bye-bye here and there. We'll have to get it on tape here soon. He's also clapping, waving, giving high fives and signing "more." We're not planning on doing a great deal of signs with him but we're hoping the ones we do use will be effective in helping him communicate better before he's able to do so verbally.

His teeth are on fire, and probably none too comfortable for him either. He's got a new one on top with two more coming in right now. It's so crazy to see what appear to be huge teeth sitting in his little mouth. He's also learning how to use them which for an innocent bystander (a friendly holder; your finger) can be quite a surprise. In fact, today it was my toe when it was in the way of him playing with Buster's chew toy (gross!). It almost broke skin!

A little visual evidence of what he's up to...I hope to get a video of the scooting here soon!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

How fun is it to get all gooey with food on your bare chest! This guy is a rock star.