Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A cozy Christmas

After a few days of celebrating the holidays with friends and late nights, Christmas was the perfect day of cozy celebrating between Rob, me, Macadam and even Buster. Santa came in and set up the addition to Macadam's Legoville trains (his helper even ran to the store at 10:30 Friday night for the right batteries) to go around the tree when Mac came downstairs in the morning. At first it was almost too overwhelming but soon, Macadam was down on the ground playing but also wanting to see if Santa had drank the milk we set out as well as ate the cookies and gave the reindeer the carrots.

Stockings were so fun. He had asked for an apple for Christmas and he was so happy when he saw one in his stocking. We're pretty sure that's all he would have needed for the day, but of course, the present opening continued. Between presents, playing and seeing family on Skype and talking on the phone, it was a big day for the little man.

All Mac wanted to do the whole day is play, play, play. Every time we asked him what he wanted to do, he just replied Play! We didn't leave the house all day, it was perfect. Rob and I blow torched (yes, really) our rib roast and it was delish, accompanied by some other yummy goodness.

We hope all of you had a great holiday, no matter where you were!

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