Monday, April 14, 2008


While ultrasound pictures are probably the least demonstrative of what a baby looks like, I still can't help but find the little person inside of me adorable. The above picture is by far the most human-like. The extra little white dot above the nose is actually an arrow the technician inserted to point out that it was, in fact, a nose at which we were looking. Our other pictures from the 20 week u/s were a combination of alien and dinosaur, or as the techinician coined it, a babysaurus.

Baby Faw, since about 18 weeks, is an active little fetus:). Seriously, he or she moves after most every meal and then at night before I go to sleep. He or she's even disrupted the doctor while trying to listen to the heartbeat. I love the consistent, surreal reminder that there's a small, very small, person inside of me. I can't pretend that it doesn't trip me out, but the attachment to someone I have yet to meet grows each day. We're so excited to meet our child and trying to enjoy the ride at the same time.

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