Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Work in Progress

Here is a little sneak peek into our room preparations for baby Faw. Rob's been oh so great about indulging my design ideas (including my fabric addictions) and the results so far are just what I had in mind. We painted this last Sunday and we both love the color of the room - it's soothing, gender-neutral and will make it easier if we plan to resell the house.

The design and planning for this room has easily been one of my favorite pasttimes during the pregnancy and there's still so many fun things to find and do. I plan to start on the bedding soon which will incorporate the fabrics you see below. We found both the crib and the dresser/changing table on Craigslist, which were a steal. It's pretty cozy in there since part of the room will still serve as a work/sewing area. We have a few art pieces that I have found on Etsy and will also put up some shelving for books and other items, including an heirloom baby plate and spoon from Rob's mom's side of the family.

I will say that not finding out the baby's sex makes for some challenging, but interesting, choices. Since I am such a planner and plotter (as well as someone who would love to open up Christmas gifts two days early), I think I am most surprised by how we're waiting until the end to find out if we're having a boy or girl. I see the benefits of finding out early and at the same time, I am really excited about not knowing. It's also hilarious to hear others' predictions...but not so fun when practical strangers violate my belly to carry out those predictions.

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