Monday, May 12, 2008

Last getaway?

After many talks of visiting friends in LA, we finally scheduled the trip for this past weekend. During what may be our last major trip before the baby comes, Rob and I had a fantastic time with dear friends. Both Chris, along with his wonderful girlfriend Nickie, and Greg were excellent hosts and made us feel at home.

The weather was rather stubborn as Rob and I took in the sights near where Chris lives in Santa Monica and Venice on Friday but we had a great time walking, people-watching and window shopping before dinner at a beach club (thanks to Nickie) right on the water in Santa Monica.

Saturday, we ventured to a few shops (with help from the very patient Rob and Chris) before heading to the Getty Center, which was pretty spectacular. We couldn't have asked for better weather, views, or architecture, both structural and landscape. It's just sad how quickly Rob and my pale, northwest skin turned pink once exposed to direct sunlight. Saturday night we headed to a great little wine bar in Pasadena with everyone before hanging out on Sunday and getting the tour of the beautiful homes and neighborhoods near Greg's place.

Here are some pictures from the weekend - and yes, bump shots are included

Browsing in Santa Monica and the views from Palisades Park

Rob and Chris; Chris and Nickie; Rob and me at the Getty Center

Rob and Greg; Rob and me in Pasadena...waiting without reservations for breakfast on Mother's Day. Yes, sometimes we're not very bright.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Such a cute bump!