Thursday, May 1, 2008

Six months and counting

It's hard to believe that we're already at the six month mark...going on 25 weeks, pregnancy-ease. For the most part, it seems quick but for the other parts it seems slow. Like most things, I want to have the end result and just meet little Faw, but no, nature requires this slow act called gestation:).

The six month visit to the doctor went well... I am hoping that we have some excuse for another ultrasound soon since there was some shadowing in the last one that didn't let them get an overall view of important organs, like the heart.

For those of us who aren't on the up and up of baby development, here's a little snapshot from babycenter on what's going on this week. Please note that they use the pronoun "she" and not us. I don't want to get anyone excited.

"The baby is almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), that makes for a pretty lean figure, but her body's filling out proportionally. Your baby's brain is growing rapidly, and her taste buds may be working now. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" and cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate easily. Your baby can hear more now, and you may even notice her startle at loud, sudden noises. But she's probably getting used to the regular noises she hears around the house, such as your dog barking or the roar of a vacuum cleaner."

Based on the above regarding the ability to hear, I think baby Faw is on track...Rob and I have been trying to read to the baby a couple of times a week and during a loud and rambunctious reading of one particular book last week, the baby was going crazy with movement. It could have been the Thai food but I like to think he or she was just enjoying the show. We certainly did.

The only not so great news is that I found out our wonderful doctor is leaving to start his own practice (not in obstetrics) and can't finish out with his current patients. We've been referred to someone I hope is equally as good. I guess we were just getting spoiled.

We may post some gratuitous belly shots soon since many have asked. Hopefully this weekend on our trip to warmer territory (LA) we'll have some pictures to share. We're looking forward to seeing friends and the sun, as well as what might be our last trip pre-baby.


Shahnaz said...

Welcome to your 3rd trimester, Keli. The downhill stretch. I can totally relate to both sides of the coin--in some ways pregnancies just fly by and in other ways it seems like an eternity. We can't wait to see Little Faw! It's fun to read your updates.

Rebecca said...

Oh my goodness. you are about the cutest pregnant mama that i have ever seen. I can't wait to see you in June!