Thursday, December 11, 2008

We interrupt this program

To breakaway from all baby, all the time programming, here's a little update on the design part of the household. We didn't expect to still be in this house when Macadam made his crib transition. Thus, we are in the process of finishing some last minute touches for his new residence.

You may remember that we were last working on this project whilst waiting for our overdue baby. Well, we completed it last night and I have to say, I love it. And here is why:
  1. Rob and I worked on it together from start to finish, and we had fun doing it and figuring out just how to make these branches balance (thank you Rob!)
  2. Macadam is already entranced by watching the birds and the branches sway
  3. The branches come from the river bank at the house where my mom and aunt grew up, and from where I cherish so many memories
  4. How it brings a sense of calm, peaceful movement and nature into the room

Next up are drapes and hopefully, he will be in the crib by the end of the weekend!


Shahnaz said...

Keli, I LOVE this! I think this is my absolute favorite of all of your baby projects that you've put on here!! So cool!

Rebecca said...

Adorable, of course!


Soo cute! What a great idea--it's perfect :)

BabyJane said...

super joli...très beau travail et j'imagine l'ambiance donnée à la chambre à Mac